Friday, May 11, 2012

Budweiser Clydesdales in Lewisville NC 2012

Clydesdales Grazing in Lewisville PastureBudweiser Clydesdales TransportersClydesdales 18Clydesdales 17Clydesdales 16Clydesdales 15
Clydesdales Grazing 14Clydesdales Grazing 13Clydesdales Grazing 12Clydesdales Grazing 11Clydesdales Grazing 10Clydesdales Grazing 9
Clydesdales Grazing 8Clydesdales Grazing 7Clydesdales Grazing 6Clydesdales Grazing 5Clydesdales Grazing 4Clydesdale Grazing 3
Brewer eating Cat FoodClydesdales Grazing 1Walking the Clydesdales to the PastureBrewer meets WegoMeet BrewerClydesdales Running

The famous Budweiser Clydesdales have made their way to Lewisville NC this week. They have numerous shows and appearances to make. Here are a few shots of them in the NC green pastures, in their "down time".

Friday, January 20, 2012

Waterfalls & Favorite Places

High FallsIMG_0070Rainbow Falls, SCHanging Rock LakeLooking Glass FallsRainbow Falls, SC
Mabry MillNorth Harper Creek FallsProfileFriend @ Chestnut Cove Branch FallsMount Mitchell SummitLaurel Ridge Sunset
IMG_0164Bridal Veil FallsLower CascadesElk FallsHigh FallsHigh Shoals Falls
Upper Whitewater FallsTriple FallsWalker FallsHickory Nut FallsDry FallsCrabtree Falls

Here is a beginning list of photos that represent waterfalls I have visited, and Places & Scenes that really stood out to me.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Wilson Creek Short Hike

Ahh, another January day where the temps are pushing 60, and I had the day off of work, what to do, what to do. With some recent rains, the answer was clear, hike to see some waterfalls.

Being January, I wanted to stay in the lower elevations, by that I mean 3000 feet or less. It seemed a fine day to do some hiking in Wilson Creek.

I decided to hike the Harper Creek Trail which follows Harper Creek, a
major tributary to Wilson Creek, to view and photograph Harper Creek Falls. The last time I visited this place, there were at least 30 people in my picture, I was hoping this time it would just be the waterfall and I. The trail to the waterfall is roughly 1.7 miles one way with a steep climb right out of the parking lot. It levels out at about the 0.3 mark and is mainly level with few minor hills afterwards.

When I arrived at the waterfall, I was in luck, it was cloudy and I was all by myself. It was the perfect chance to get a picture of a waterfall that stays jam packed all summer long. I had one slight problem though. The only way down into the gorge to get the picture is by rope, which is down some very steep rock. I navigated this last summer, but today the rope was cut, in pretty bad shape, and the rock was soaking wet from the earlier rains. It was a recipe for disaster. A younger, dumber me would have gone down it without a second thought. Instead, I did the smart thing, got the best picture I could get and got out of there. Being the only person there made it a bad day for a serious injury. Hopefully my next trip here will provide better conditions. Here are a few photos from my short hike at Wilson and Harper creeks.